






sure was cold last night. good thing we had trash to burn for warmth

While I disapprove of book burning in general, in this case…

This is a book by Christina Hoff Sommers, a woman who has been involved in feminism and feminist academia her entire life. She is a feminist. This book talks about the bias against boys in school (for example: boys are more likely to drop out and greatly lag when it comes to literacy).

Also the minute you start to support book burning, congratulations, you are now an oppressive and authoritarian group.

Do you ever think, like putting aside all the Tumblr bullshit and the obsession with gender politics on this website alone, do you ever just look at people like this and feel confused about how they live their life.

Like this person is so obsessed in whatever ignorant mindset they hold that they saw this book and immediately set in motion a series of events for their entire day where they would buy this book and ensure their camera is charged. They would then rip it up, while taking photos and light it on fire and put it into a fire smiling and put it on the internet. They planned out this entire thing.

This isn’t Mein Kampf.

This isn’t some controversial book calling for the extermination of a gender or euthanasia. 

It’s literally some mild critique by a feminist about how dodgy policies from over-zealous feminism can end up harming people rather than helping.

This person is so wrapped up in whatever self-righteousness they possess and so desperate for the approval of whatever circle they’re in on Tumblr that they decided they would burn this book, probably without reading it, and take pictures to show off that they’re so stupid and insecure about their own views that they’d sooner burn anything that questions them.

I dunno about you but I’m really just confused about how you could plan out these actions over the course of a day and not sit and think to yourself “wow I’m behaving in a completely irrational manner”. 

reblogging again for brendan’s smack down

“Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.”

—Heinrich Heine.

This is absolutely appalling.

UNESCO released a statement earlier this week about alleged book burning by ISIS:

“Burning books is an attack on the culture, knowledge and memory, as we witnessed in Timbuktu recently, with the burning of the manuscripts at the Ahmed Baba Centre. Such violence is evidence of a fanatical project, targeting both human lives and intellectual creation”

Congratulations – you’re on par with ISIS.






maddie and sia arrive at the grammy awards

sia has severe social anxiety as well as grave’s disease (an autoimmune disease that affects one’s facial features) so why don’t we keep mocking a mentally and physically ill person for doing what makes her comfortable when she’s already way out of her comfort zone? that’s really effective!

(for clarity, Grave’s Disease is a thyroid disease, but one of the common symptoms results basically in bulging eyes.)

(Also leave her alone, she found a way to feel comfortable enough to go to the grammys and that’s awesome.)

Honestly though, she is a beautiful person for getting this far and she is really an inspiration for all of us who have social anxiety and other problems with self identity. Even with her back to the stage, she was able to create a spectacular performance that really draws out some raw and hard to describe feelings from her music. Chandelier for instance, the interpretational dance in that live performance alone adressed the struggle to feel ‘right’ (alcoholism being a theme in this song) it displayed the internal desire to feel free. The shame and anxiety that comes with trying. The self loathing. The pain.

That performance may have been strange to some people, but when you yourself know these feelings all too well, that performance was like a visualization of those internal struggles. That confusion is what so many people of all races and all identities have to fight through. I feel like, if she was able to do this dispite her disabilities, I want to see how far she can go.
