

James Potter turning in his homework in under Remus’ name that one time he forgot about an assignment after a particularly bad moon, and taking the detention himself.

Minerva McGonagall recognizing James’s handwriting and understanding exactly what had happened, and having James spend detention working on a no-credit special project because she knows he loves Transfiguration and can’t bear to punish him for taking the fall for his friend.



the halls of a high school in Texas filled with students supporting their classmate after his mother lost her battle with cancer

Just wanted to reblog this again because THIS is what life is about. This is pure, genuine love towards others and it’s the coolest shit on the planet. I don’t know how we got to a place where it’s corny or whack to be kind and genuinely love everyone. Everybody wants to be pissed off and hateful all the time. Idk man, I just think this is a microcosm of what our society should look like, everyone lifting each other up.





Did you know that M83’s Midnight City and Smash Mouth’s All Star have a tempo difference of only 1 BPM?

I thought I had enough allstar


M83 is the best end of arguement









Okay, this is actually what you do if you’re being sexually harassed in any kind of public space. Draw attention to it, preferably pull away and let EVERYONE know that someone is touching you. This will not only get him to get off you but he’ll definitely think about this situation next time he wants to do something like this.

Spreading the word.

My mom and I were talking about this today after hearing about a woman who was molested on a plane who said nothing until she was picked up at the airport by her parents. My mom looked at me and asked what I would do in that situation and I looked her dead in the eye and I told her “it would take me .02 seconds to realize what was going on and yell angrily, and then I would be straight on to bitch slapping him so hard he wouldn’t be able to see the punch I’d throw with the opposite hand”.

She nodded and accepted my salty language like a seasoned sailor.

I’ve had experience with this before, in Prague a group of five girls and I were followed by three men at night. After a while they started yelling at us, the most common being “how much?” Meaning how much we “cost” as prostitutes. Seeing as they weren’t going to stop, I turned on my heel, faced them (which surprised them), spat at their feet and responded with “You couldn’t afford me.” This prompted the other girls to start yelling back at them as well, starting with our spitfire Czech friend to start slinging curses in Czech as she and the rest of the girls came up beside me. Needless to say the men backed off and pretty much fled. They weren’t expecting a fight. It empowered me and encouraged the rest of the girls to yell back too.

I’ve heard that a lot of people don’t know what to do in this situation because they’ve been taught all their lives to be polite and non-aggressive. Keep your heads down or whatever.

Keep in mind that studies have shown that rapists look for victims who won’t fight back.

Remember that nobody has the right to touch you without your consent or harass you, and you have all the right to make the biggest fuss about it that you can possibly make.

Get angry. Be in command.


If someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable like this, you do not need to be nice. Swear, kick, scream, make the asshole cry. You don’t have to nice, be as rude as you want

if i’m being honest, sometimes the guy doesn’t back down and sometimes announcing it to everyone else on whatever public transport results in absolutely fuck all – which is why it’s really important that if you hear a girl making a fuss you back her the fuck up. especially if you’re a dude (because the thing about guys who don’t care what women think is, they don’t care what women think). remember that men who assault women think they’re normal, that their behaviour is normalised. when one person throws a fit, they’re just sensitive. when a crowd turns against them, they know they’ve done wrong





We’ve decided due to the large amount of positive feedback,that we will be giving away our first paid of deer ears we’ve ever made! I’m a perfectionist,and I do not want to sell our first pair as it has extremely MINOR imperfections 😉  Keep in mind these are airbrushed! 

These really are great ears,but I want to do something nice for you guys. 

Contest will end February 6th. That’s one week! We will pick someone at random. All you need to do is reblog this post!



These are AMAZING
