





Patreon no longer supports porn, 8chan

This is why we can’t have nice things.


God forbid you try to earn a living on the internet by catering to a niche group.

Thanks again Zoe Quinn. Thanks again SJW / “feminism”

Seriously? I know a lot of porn artists who depend on patreon, why would they fuck that up :/

Well, there goes 80% of Patreon’s user base.

That’s sad.

Reblogging this again to update because yall apparently didn’t read the whole thing or misunderstood it and were just quick to judge due to this.

Nudity and Pornography:
Patreon is not for pornography, but some of the world’s most beautiful and historically significant art often depicts nudity and sexual expression. Because of that, we allow nudity and suggestive imagery, as long as it is marked NSFW. Think of the policy as allowing “R Rated” movies… but not porn. In keeping with our strong commitment to safety, we have zero tolerance for content that sexualizes children in any way.

You can still post porn but so long as your page is set to private so that only your followers can see it.

“Unfortunately, patrons of creators who make NSFW art will not be able to use Paypal as a payment method.”

That part is understandable as paypal would ban your account anyway if they found out you were buying porn. I can understand if that’s what people are complaining about but if anything Patron is protecting your paypal accounts. they are far from the bad guys here like you guys are making them out to be

They’re saying that tasteful nudity is acceptable, but not full on sex or things meant to arouse . That’s why it says “R-Rated movie but not porn”

They made sure to state that porn was unacceptable in the screenshot on the left.

Suggestive imaggery is different than porn

Uh hey. IDK if you noticed but that info moonwolf posted has been there since the beginning. What is going on is Implying that things are CHANGING in regard to this.


Rule 34 Calender?






Would anyone be interested in joining in for a rule 34 calender? If I could find 12 artists, that would be pretty cool. One image each. Set it up with random cartoon/video game facts etc. You know, whatever the people involve feel like doing.

Yeah! You know I’d definitely be down for that~ ❤
always looking to do collab projects and the like~


I’d do it.

I would do it if I was good xD

Yeah prolly maybe If coon could draw but damn I’d prolly snag one. Shhh.

Rule 34 Calender?

As a gay dude, I don’t think a kids cartoon should include an explicitly gay couple. Not because of that representation bullshit, but it’s just because kids are too young to comprehend this shit. Parents have the right to educate their sons like they want. If they agree with the gay lifestyle, well let them be, if they don’t, that’s OK too. Don’t force kids to learn something they are too young to know. Also, cartoons are to be enjoyed, not to be political mouthpieces nor representation mobiles.







Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa WHAT?! Too young to learn? Dude, heterosexual romance is shoved down every kid’s throat from the moment they’re born, in movies, cartoons, advertisements, everything. What’s the difference? A gay couple is the same as a straight couple except both members of the pair are the same sex. You seem to be implying that learning the existence of gays is like learning some awful secret that a child’s mind just can’t wrap around. The taboo on us was put there by people who feared and hated us for no good reason. Now that the times are changing, of course you’re gonna see gay characters in kids’ shows, for the same reason you might see trees or cars or animals: because they exist.

If you saw Aladdin as a kid and you understood that Aladdin loved Jasmine then it’s not really a huge leap to have that same understanding of a gay couple. Kids know what love is, even if they may not grasp the true depth of romance yet, but that goes for straight romance, too.

You sound like you have a lot of internalized self-hatred over your sexuality. I think part of you believes that the way you feel is wrong, and it’s not, it’s perfectly natural and beautiful and just because some people think it’s disgusting doesn’t mean you or any other gay person is inclined to humor them. Homophobia stems from hate and I don’t think hate is what should be driving the writing of a children’s program.

but if a kid goes “ew gross” at a gay kissing scene how will I be able to tell if said child is being homophobic or just thinks PDA is wack without having to sit down and talk to them about the world

bring back gumby dammit

Kids aren’t born with an aversion to certain groups of people. They’re only homophobic if they’ve been raised in a homophobic environment, so if you’ve been telling your kids their whole lives about how the goddamn faggots are destroying this country then you can probably draw a conclusion based on that, and even if the idea came from someone else it’s not that hard to say, “Now son and/or daughter, you shouldn’t judge someone based on things they have no control over.” I’m pretty sure that’s a Sesame Street-tier moral right there.

Alos consider that exclusion is isolation. LGBT children who don’t see themselves most often conclude that there is something wrong with them—after all, nobody else is like them, right? 

Children need to be taught about sexuality in ways suited to their age. It’s how they learn how to express their feelings and affections appropriately. I first learned that gay relationships were possible from an episode of “E.R.” when a man was raped by another man. Not the healthiest introduction to my sexuality, but at least I knew I wasn’t alone. When I looked for more information about homosexuality on the Internet, guess what I found? Porn. Lots and lots of porn. I was 11. That level of sexuality wasn’t healthy for me at that age, especially since, growing up in Utah, that was my sole source of instruction on what it meant to be a homosexual man. Heterosexual children also discover porn eventually, but they had Belle and the Beast, Aladdin and Jasmine, Mulan and Shang, Gumbo and Gumba (if you manage to bring Gumby back), Sarah and the Goblin King, etc, etc, as a diversified portfolio of what relationships can be like, should not be like, and so on. With pornography as my guide, you can guess that I had some rather incorrect ideas about the LGBT community, how to act within it and within society at-large, and what to expect from a healthy relationship.

This is why representation matters. It’s how we learn to be human. It’s how we learn that we’re normal. It’s how we learn how to be healthy. Failing to teach a child how to be healthy is a failure for parents, for the education system, and for society as a whole, and LGBT kids are, by and large, dropped right into adulthood without ever being taught about themselves. The Internet provides a lot more information nowadays, but it’s in specialized niches that reinforce rather than reduce the idea of LGBT people as separate and “other.” 

That’s why LGBT children need to see themselves in normal places leading normal lives. They may be different and/or unusual, yes, but they should not be separate. It’s also necessary for heterosexual children to learn that their LGBT friends and classmates aren’t unicorns; they’re people who want to hug and kiss and hold hands just like them. 

That was very well-put. I wasn’t gonna keep responding to this post’s reblogs but you made a fantastic point, particularly about introducing children to information about sexuality that is appropriate for their age. So many arguments I’ve been getting have equated showing two men kissing in a cartoon to full-on gay porn for kids, but those two things are only equivalent if you consider any form of homosexual affection to be pure perversion. We generally consider things like kissing and hand-holding to be perfectly acceptable in children’s media as long as the people doing it are straight, so if it’s not okay to show gays doing the same things then that’s just a stupid double-standard that makes no sense.

Reblogging again for more really good discussion points.

As a gay dude, I don’t think a kids cartoon should include an explicitly gay couple. Not because of that representation bullshit, but it’s just because kids are too young to comprehend this shit. Parents have the right to educate their sons like they want. If they agree with the gay lifestyle, well let them be, if they don’t, that’s OK too. Don’t force kids to learn something they are too young to know. Also, cartoons are to be enjoyed, not to be political mouthpieces nor representation mobiles.