
I’ve seen doxxing ruin the lives of a few of my personal friends. One by a stalker ex, the other two because some fuckshits decided they “deserved it”.

It ruined



And do you think the idiots on tumblr are willing to acknowledge and take responsibility for that? No. They’ll laugh and say “GOOD, FREEDOM OF SPEECH MEANS THEY CAN SAY BLAH BLAH BLAH BUT NOT THE CONSEQUENFPPPFFFBBBRRRRRRTFFFFBBBBB”

They’ll say “I don’t feel bad because they had it coming!”

“But they drew oppressive propaganda! They sort of insulted this one person I don’t know or care about but tumblr told me to be angry about it!”

My three friends had to quit their jobs, they had to delete all of their fucking social media, two of them got dumped by their boyfriends because they “didn’t want to be involved in any drama”, one of them got kicked out of their home because their father chose to believe the people calling their home accusing them of being a bigot. They almost got raped as they tried to sleep/rest overnight in a nearby bus station.

Tumblr’s obsession with doxxing as the response to someone who hurt their poor delicate little feelings, acting as judge jury and executioner because “WELL THEY DESERVE IT FOR BEING XIST”

it’s disgusting

It’s not just “doxxing”

It’s encouraging and wishing for the harassment, abuse and even potential rape and murder of the victim.

Someone tried to have me swatted. Swatting is nothing short of terrorism and, yeah I’ll say it, attempted murder. It’s literally sending armed police forces to break into the victim’s home. What happens if one of the SWAT Team members suddenly decides lethal force is required? What happens when the victim develops PTSD? What happens when the job and school you worked to get them kicked out of leads to them being suicidal?

I got off lucky because I live in such a small town and the police know my family but that isn’t how it is for everyone else.

If you’re celebrating people being doxxed it had better be someone that is irredeemably bad, and I mean REALLY fucking bad, or you’ve lost my respect. You’re not a hero. You’re not an ally of social justice. You’re not in the right.

You’re abusive and disgusting and you’ve proved how little human lives matter to you.